<%@ LANGUAGE="VBScript" %> <%option explicit%> Untitled Document <% if not IsNumeric(show_stories) then show_stories = "999" end if Set dConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") dConn.Open "PROVIDER=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;DATA SOURCE=" & database_path strSQL = "SELECT TOP " & show_stories & " expire, id, newsdate, newstitle, newsbody from tblnews where active = 1 and #" & todaydate & "# < expire and category='agenda' order by newsdate asc, id;" 'response.write strSQL Set newsRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset") newsRS.Open strSQL, dConn, 1, 3 recordcount = newsRS.recordcount if recordcount < 1 then newsRS.Close Set newsRS = Nothing response.write(errormsg2 & loginlink) response.end end if 'newsRS.GetRows() 'Data is retrieved so close all connections 'Setup for array usage %> <% ' Loop through the records (second dimension of the array) 'sysdate, systime, newsdate,newstitle, newsbody, active, expire newsRS.MoveFirst ' move to first record If Not newsRS.BOF or newsRS.EOF Then Do While Not newsRS.Eof news_expire = newsRS("expire") news_id = newsRS("id") news_dat = newsRS("newsdate") news_title = newsRS("newstitle") news_body = newsRS("newsbody") response.write "" & _ "" & _ "" & _ "" & _ "" & _ "" newsRS.MoveNext ' don't forget to increment the file pointer Loop ' we have some records returned Else ' No records returned End If newsRS.Close Set newsRS = Nothing dconn.close Set dconn = nothing %>
" & news_dat & " " & news_title & "
" & news_body & "